



      海南橡膠長(cháng)期致力于天然橡膠全產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈科技創(chuàng )新,種植端創(chuàng )新開(kāi)發(fā)“一 機一樹(shù)”智能割膠裝置,結合智慧膠園建設,在天然橡膠“管、養、割、 收”等環(huán)節全面開(kāi)啟數字化、信息化建設;加工端響應“雙碳”號召,引 領(lǐng)環(huán)保天然橡膠加工工藝技術(shù)創(chuàng )新,推進(jìn)加工自動(dòng)化、綠色化科技升級; 全面推進(jìn)天然橡膠期現貨系統、財務(wù)共享系統等信息化平臺建設,提高運 營(yíng)管控效率;在材料創(chuàng )新方面,自主開(kāi)發(fā)納米黏土膠、高彈減震膠、無(wú)氨 膠乳等特殊性能產(chǎn)品;環(huán)氧化天然橡膠工程化技術(shù)位于行業(yè)前列。



Hainan Rubber has long been committed to scientific and technological innovation in its whole natural rubber industry chain. Its plantation division, for example, has innovatively developed a “one machine, one tree” smart rubber tapping device. Combining with the construction of smart rubber plantation, the division has already commenced natural rubber digitalization and informatization in all respects throughout its link of “managing, nurturing, tapping and harvesting”.  In response to the call of “double carbon” (carbon peaking and carbon neutrality), the processing division now also heads technological innovation in environmental-protection-oriented natural rubber processing technology, and strives for the technological upgrade of processing automation and greenization. Likewise, the sales and trade division is also aiming to comprehensively promote the construction of information platforms, including natural rubber futures and spot system as well as financial sharing system, so as to elevate the efficiency of operational control. In terms of material innovation, Hainan Rubber has self-developed special performance products such as nano-clay rubber, high-elastic shock-absorbing rubber, and ammoniafree latex. On top of that, its epoxidized natural rubber engineering technology are at the forefront of the industry.



阿拉尔市| 新野县| 含山县| 资兴市| 合山市| 宁波市| 海门市| 应用必备| 昆明市| 灵璧县| 连南| 邹平县| 玉门市| 桦甸市| 克山县| 平湖市| 乌兰浩特市| 东乌| 汕尾市| 蛟河市| 吉首市| 桃园市| 滦平县| 翼城县| 东平县| 江油市| 若羌县| 正安县| 聂拉木县| 马山县| 吉水县| 黄浦区| 闽侯县| 墨玉县| 宜昌市| 积石山| 平泉县| 汝州市| 色达县| 临夏县| 台南县|